
You have a project in mind? Contact us!

Contact Us

  • +39 0481 32879
  • scrivi@tmedia.it
  • Via Malta 6, 34170 Gorizia, Italy


Web factory & hosting

Web factory

Build your online success


Uninterrupted service

Our web hosting services provide the reliability you need to keep your website accessible 24/7.


Speed and performance

We create fast websites that guarantee a fantastic browsing experience for your customers.


Security and support

Your website's security is our priority, and our support team is ready to assist you around the clock.

Web factory

Our services include

Domain registration & Hosting setup

We help you secure the perfect domain name that reflects your brand and we handle all the technical aspects of setting up your hosting service.

Website implementation

We create fantastic and modern websites in line with your customers needs.

SSL Certificates

Keep your visitors' data secure with SSL certificates, boosting trust and SEO rankings.

Regular backups

We ensure your data is always backed up for peace of mind.


As your business grows, we can scale your hosting services accordingly.

Do you have a new
project in mind?

Contact us